Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Making an Income Through Blogging - Adam Ross Gregory
Start a Profitable Blog
So what is blogging really all about?
First off, let me tell you that it's a => Lucrative Business to Blog
And that blogs are easy to set up and manage.
Imagine getting paid to write about subjects that interest you, whenever you want,
Wherever you are!
The flexibility involved allows you to maintain your blog at your own pace,
and with Internet cafe's easily accessible all over the globe,
even your vacation won't get in the way of your blogging...
Or should I say: even your blogging won't get in the way of your vacation?
In this article, let's take a look at the profitability of a blog and set up one of our own,
Free of charge!
Read on!
First, you need to get yourself => A Blog.
There are several options – host a blog on your own domain or get a free one.
For starters, let’s talk about the free blogs.
You can obtain one at http://www.blogger.com - like I have... => Click Here
or at http://www.wordpress.com.
WordPress is a free blog engine that is robust and infinitely expandable.
Blogger is actually owned by Google, so it will be detected by Google’s radar faster
and you will be indexed more quickly.
WordPress.com, however, is an another option and, I have no comparison on the speed of getting indexed by search engines.
However, WordPress is better in the sense that it has more advanced features such as Trackbacks and Categories.
You can also manage your sidebar links more efficiently (more about this later).
Get a free blog at either Blogger or WordPress. Then, familiarize yourself by publishing your first post on your blog and tinkering around with the options and templates.
Here are some words to start expanding your blogging vocabulary:
Permalink – Permalink stands for permanent link, which is a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) that leads to an individual post that you make in your blog.
Trackback – When you post about someone else’s blog post elsewhere, your post will show up in their “trackback” section. This feature, however, is not available with a Blogger account.
Pinging – Blogging seems to be paired with pinging almost every time either one is mentioned nowadays. Pinging is actually the action where a certain aggregator is notified whenever your blog is updated, so that the aggregator may show the newest post of your blog on their website. This is a useful way to gain traffic, which I'll discuss in a future article.
Next, let's look at the type of content that's suitable for your blog in order to make it profitable. You need to understand that there is no fixed scope that your blog should have, which means you can write about whatever you’re interested in.
Mind you, the difference between a profitable blog and a non-profitable one is the way you write. What would you prefer: reading your university professor’s lecture notes or the latest novel by your favorite author?
People prefer to read "light" items most of the time.
When they check out your blog, they are not only looking for information, but they are also looking for information that they can access easily.
So, to attract more visitors as well as to keep your current readers coming back for more, it's very important to add a personal touch to your blog posts. This can be done by simply imagining that you’re talking with your personal friend.
An extra bonus for your readers would be a great sense of humor, so try to add funny comments in your articles where relevant.
Another important point is to avoid addressing your reader as a plural unit. Don't write as if you’re preparing a speech. Instead, write as if you’re having a conversation with a single person, an equal friend, because this will make your reader relate to you more easily.
Besides that, it's also very useful to establish your own personality through your words.
We're very curious creatures, so naturally your visitors would want to know as much
about you as the information you’re offering them.
Having a distinctive personality in your blog will make a world of difference between your blog about gadgets and all the other blogs about gadgets out there.
This is a lot like creating your own brand name, where people immediately remember your blog’s name when they need information about gadgets, just like how people immediately think of McDonald’s for fastfood or Nike for sportswear.
There will be more on the subject of content the next time.
When word gets around about your command of blogging, others who need to know about blogging will start to actively seek you out!
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Free Traffic - Understanding SEO - Adam Ross Gregory
Understanding SEO
2016 SEO Updates
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short,
is a phrase that describes how you make => WEBSITES
more appealing to Google and other search engines.
The more useful Google thinks your page will be to its users,
the higher it will rank your page on the
Search Engine Results Page (SERP) for your niche’s keywords.
If your website is ranked on the first page–or better yet,
in the number one spot–more users will click on your website than on
any of the other pages.
This can mean the difference between success and failure.
Your chief goal should be to get ranked in the number one position
in the SERP for your keywords, or at the very least on the front page.
If your site isn’t in the top spot–or at least on the first page
–you can’t maximize traffic to your => web pages,
because less than 11% of all internet users ever navigate past the first page.
In most cases, they don’t even go past the first few results on the first page,
which is why it is critical for your website to land at the top of the first page.
Elements of SEO
To get your website in the top spot or on the first page,
you need to use both on-page and off-page SEO techniques.
On-page SEO includes such things as using the best
keywords for your product niche
on your web pages, especially in strategic places such as the title,
headline, subheads, and first and final paragraphs of copy.
Repeating your keyword so that it represents 2% to 3%
of the total words on your web page
–known as keyword saturation–is another effective on-page SEO technique.
What Search Engines Want
Examples of off-page SEO methods would include
things like creating a large number of backlinks to your web page
from sites the search engines consider to be “authoritative.”
Authoritative sites are the places people go
when they are looking for answers, such as Wikipedia,
About.com or eHow.com. Web pages with suffixes like .edu and .gov
are also considered to be authoritative sites.
Search engines will think your page is
important if expert sites reference your web page.
The Google Algorithm
Google is the most important search engine on the Internet,
representing about 65% of all searches worldwide.
Microsoft’s Bing search engine–
which also powers Yahoo!–is the second largest search engine in the United States.
In China and South Korea, its biggest competitors are Baidu and Soso.
In Russia, it’s Yandex.
If you are working in the U.S., you should focus on improving
your ranking on Google because all others use
essentially the same criteria to index and rank web pages.
Updates to Google’s Search Engine Algorithm
In 2011 and 2012, Google updated the formula it
uses to determine a page’s ranking.
Prior to the updates–which were known as Panda and Penguin
–Google valued the number of backlinks a page had,
especially from authoritative sites.
But crafty Internet marketers figured this out and
were able to create software that artificially created backlinks
to their pages in order to inflate rankings.
Google countered this by changing its search engines.
The Panda and Penguin updates assigned less weight to backlinks
and more weight to social approval,
which includes things like Facebook “Likes,” Twitter links,
and especially Google+ +1’s.
Backlinks are still an important part of the way Google ranks pages,
but not as important as they were before the Panda and Penguin updates.
Having a lot of links to your pages from other pages will
still increase your site’s SERP ranking,
but it won’t increase it as much as having a lot of social approval signals will.
Authoritative Sites
Google wants to provide its users with sites that
are genuinely going to be useful to that person.
That’s one of the reasons why the algorithm was
changed to give more weight to social approval.
Users decide which sites are useful and which are not by
giving social signals like thumbs up, Likes, and so on.
User favorites are ranked higher and considered to be authoritative.
Creating Backlinks from Authoritative Sites
One good way to improve your page rankings is to
get backlinks from authoritative sites.
To do this, leave comments in forums or blogs that
have web addresses ending in .edu and .gov.
Make sure you include a link back to your web page.
The more relevant and valuable your posting,
the more people will be likely to click on your link to learn more.
Or get your link posted on an About.com or eHow.com page
so that every time somebody follows your link back to your page,
its value increases incrementally on Google.
Beware of marketers who will offer to sell you thousands of
backlinks to your pages for not very much money.
Before Google updated its algorithm, this actually worked.
But now, these links aren’t going to help your ranking much.
In fact, they could lower your ranking because Google
now has filters that look for pages with artificial backlinks.
Instead, try to get backlinks from authoritative sites and
devote your energy to getting
more social approval signals for your pages.
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded
Live Interview ==>>
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Creating a Seven Figure Income
Here it is = > Applied Cash Flow
I will always give it to you in ‘fact like’ details so
that you can reference my writing as we go along.
I have given you in my past posts,
the results of my living research journal into how many individuals
have become quite wealthy through this medium.
I have also documented precisely
in detail how this actually takes place.
I have demonstrated that many of these programs do work…
although not always with the most complete of directions…
And, that some of the programs are far too technically advanced
for any ‘newbie’ to ever hope to profit from.
I consider myself more of a 'Professional Internet Marketing Research Analyst… .
I actually enjoy spending countless hours researching these programs,
and directing massive traffic to them while recording the results.
Be it curious by nature or whatever, it has become a very profitable hobby.
Let me first tell you,
there a tremendous amount of people that are successfully earning aggressively
from their kitchen tables… than you may think.
The fact of the matter is, they don’t go around broadcasting it.
Well… in a way they do…Let me explain.
They are broadcasting it in a way that purposefully reaches their intended audience...
Those of like minds, and are interested in this medium.
They typically enjoy their personal home spaces, and/or are addicted to exotic travel.
They ->Leverage YouTube and
Create ->Ultra Profitable Social Media Platforms as outlets.
They automate email marketing using -> autoresponders and rarely need the use of a telephone.
However, they remain extremely connected,
with a fully engaged network of associates.
Most of whom the connections are made, to mutually grow businesses.
I have given you the foundation in which most ‘Internet Marketers’ have started.
Most start with learning the basics as I given you.
The exponential growth of the internet has allowed
individuals to reach a tremendous amount of people,
and growing in reach everyday!
If you are savvy, and have the right training you create incredible global reach.
You can place one little ad, or promotion,
and design it to potentially be scene by millions…would you agree?
So, lets take that concept and allow you to have a product
that you literally can sell as many units as your ability will allow.
In that, you have a marketing platform and the product is in great demand.
The products I personally have found,
to be most worth my time are = > Applied Cash Flow
Quite simply the easiest way to develop a ->Online Seven Figure Business.
The math dynamics are correct in that the profit analysis in leveraging the internet,
makes it easier than ever to develop and grow such an enterprise.
I have always been the one whom finds the ‘hidden diamonds.’
This is really no different.
If you are into Internet Marketing and only want to apply
your time to realize exponential growth.
This is most certainly ->(Your Solution)
PS Check out my interview =>
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Email is Still the Way to Go - Adam Ross Gregory
There are a lot of critics who say => Email Marketing
isn’t as effective as it once was...
because more people are using mobile devices and
texting to communicate with each other.
People today text and tweet rather than read emails,
so a lot of younger customers don’t even have email accounts,
only smart phones and social media.
While there’s no question that social media, texting,
and other communications platforms are more popular than email,
the principles of email marketing can be applied to practically any format.
So, even if email isn’t as popular as it once was,
these same strategies can help you connect with customers
via Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and even mobile marketing.
Here are some universal email marketing tips that will help you build your
subscription list with plenty of loyal, enthusiastic customers:
1. There’s More to Life than Opt-In Forms
While the opt-in form is one of the best ways to capture contact information,
it’s not the only way.
If you already own your own business,
you probably already have a loyal customer base.
Why not give them an incentive to give you their email address by
offering special offers, discounts, or rewards?
You also can invite your social media contacts to join your list and
invite them to recommend you to their social media contacts as well.
Another option is to promote your list in forums,
or post articles or blogs related to your niche subject and include a link back
to your opt-in form in the “About the Author” box.
If you offer your customers something they find valuable to be a part of your subscription list,
then you can grow your list very quickly.
2. Keep On Testing
A/B testing, also known as split testing,
is when you send out two versions of the same email with
one slight variation to see which one converts better.
For example, you could send the same email with two different headlines.
Or, you could change the Call to Action slightly and
record which one gives you with the best responses.
From that point on, you can incorporate the successful
version in future emails and achieve better results.
3. Marketing Only to People Who Want Your Products
It doesn’t do you any good to market to people
who aren’t interested in your products.
One way to weed out those who aren’t interested is
to use a double opt-in to make certain that
only people who really want to be on your list are added.
A double opt-in is when you send a second email to somebody
who signs up for your list to confirm their subscription.
It eliminates people who don’t really want to be on your list
(and it also helps avoid spam complaints later).
You can also send another email at some point in the future
– such as in six or nine months –
asking your list members to confirm that they want to continue to receive emails from you.
4. You Can’t Afford to Ignore Social Media
Cross promoting your website on social media platforms like
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram increases your chances of connecting with your customers.
You can invite people on your subscription list to
“Like” your Facebook Fan Page, follow you on Twitter,
and add you to their Google+ Circles, for example.
This gives you the opportunity to exponentially increase
your potential points of contact with your prospective customers.
In conclusion; Email marketing is the best method to create true equity with Internet Marketing.
This equity is also enjoyed by paying you daily, weekly and monthly residual dividends.
and other communications platforms are more popular than email,
the principles of email marketing can be applied to practically any format.
So, even if email isn’t as popular as it once was,
these same strategies can help you connect with customers
via Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and even mobile marketing.
Here are some universal email marketing tips that will help you build your
subscription list with plenty of loyal, enthusiastic customers:
1. There’s More to Life than Opt-In Forms
While the opt-in form is one of the best ways to capture contact information,
it’s not the only way.
If you already own your own business,
you probably already have a loyal customer base.
Why not give them an incentive to give you their email address by
offering special offers, discounts, or rewards?
You also can invite your social media contacts to join your list and
invite them to recommend you to their social media contacts as well.
Another option is to promote your list in forums,
or post articles or blogs related to your niche subject and include a link back
to your opt-in form in the “About the Author” box.
If you offer your customers something they find valuable to be a part of your subscription list,
then you can grow your list very quickly.
2. Keep On Testing
A/B testing, also known as split testing,
is when you send out two versions of the same email with
one slight variation to see which one converts better.
For example, you could send the same email with two different headlines.
Or, you could change the Call to Action slightly and
record which one gives you with the best responses.
From that point on, you can incorporate the successful
version in future emails and achieve better results.
3. Marketing Only to People Who Want Your Products
It doesn’t do you any good to market to people
who aren’t interested in your products.
One way to weed out those who aren’t interested is
to use a double opt-in to make certain that
only people who really want to be on your list are added.
A double opt-in is when you send a second email to somebody
who signs up for your list to confirm their subscription.
It eliminates people who don’t really want to be on your list
(and it also helps avoid spam complaints later).
You can also send another email at some point in the future
– such as in six or nine months –
asking your list members to confirm that they want to continue to receive emails from you.
4. You Can’t Afford to Ignore Social Media
Cross promoting your website on social media platforms like
Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram increases your chances of connecting with your customers.
You can invite people on your subscription list to
“Like” your Facebook Fan Page, follow you on Twitter,
and add you to their Google+ Circles, for example.
This gives you the opportunity to exponentially increase
your potential points of contact with your prospective customers.
In conclusion; Email marketing is the best method to create true equity with Internet Marketing.
This equity is also enjoyed by paying you daily, weekly and monthly residual dividends.
I have been Dominating Network Marketing for some time Now...
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