Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Affiliate Marketing Today - Applied Cash Flow

Driving Massive Traffic or Leads through -> A High Converting Front End Offer.

Creating Super Affiliate -> Extreme Daily Cash Flow Results

It is much easier now, compared to the days when people have to make use of the telephones and other mediums of information just to get the latest updates on the way their program is coming along.
So with technology at hand, and assuming that the affiliate is working from home, a day in his or her life would sound something like this…
Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the various platforms are visited to check out new developments in the network.

As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new changes to make, in order to stabilize statistics -  as well as to massively Scale - Up Investments in traffic.
The site functions may have to be revised. The marketer knows that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from visitors. It can also help in the affiliate’s conversion rates.
Establish your 'root' concept of promoting the affiliate program.
Track down every conversion you are getting accurately. See if they are new clients checking out further products.
In the process of doing all the necessities, the marketer is logged on to social media sites where he or she interacts with other affiliates and those under that same program.

This is where they can discuss things on how to best promote their products.
There are things to be learned and it is a continuous process.
Sharing tips and advices is a good way of showing support.

There may be others out there wanting to join and may be enticed by the discussion that is going on. There is no harm in assuming what opportunities ahead.

I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 

As my primary source of online marketing.

Leveraging =>Applied Cash Flow 

with Email marketing 

Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,

But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.
P. S. ***Catch My Most Recently Recorded Live Interview ==>> 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Wealth Secrets - Internet Marketing - Applied Cash Flow

Internet Marketing => Wealth Secrets

There’s one word that can carry quite a bit of power when used

As part of your marketing message:
Admittedly, “free” doesn’t carry the weight it used to. With everyone reaching the point of becoming over-saturated with marketing messages, something that has the word “free” attached to it has almost become a turn-off…especially online.
But it can still be a very effective tool, when used correctly; for example, as an inducement to opt-in to your newsletter or email list.

In many people’s minds, a successful marketing message has lots of exclamation points, underlines and flashing messages.

These things were all adopted to make the message stand out; the tables have now turned, however. The messages that stand out are the ones that don’t scream at the reader, but instead offer value in return for their time or business.
Giving someone a free gift for signing up for your newsletter can still be an effective tool, as long as the free gift is relevant to the reason they wound up at your business site to begin with.

If your business is financial advice, don’t offer a free report on advertising tips to your visitors. That’s not why they came to your site, and it won’t entice them to sign up.
However, if they came to your site to find information on financial advice, an offer of a free report on basic investment tips would be useful to them, and a much more effective enticement.
“But Dave,” I can hear you say, “I’m trying to sell them financial advice…why would I give it to them?”
For the same reason anyone offers free samples…to earn the customers’ trust in your product or service. If they like the free information and find it useful, they are becoming sold on you.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be a free report. You can offer a free trial of your software, a free ebook…anything that will help build your image as a business your customers can trust to help them with their needs.
 I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>Applied Cash Flow with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Massive Leads - Blogging - Adam Ross Gregory

Create Massive Organic Leads => How to Create Massive Leads

just by....Spreading ideas -> (via content links) and accumulating attention.
Over time bloggers build subscribers. These subscribers are people 
interested in the field or topics that blogger writes about.
Each time those bloggers write a new post those readers possibly get notified of the new
content in their RSS readers.
Imagine :
• Every time you had an idea to share people who trust your opinions see it.
• Most of those may also write blogs in your field or related fields.
• Some of those bloggers actually may or should, at least mention your site
• Some of those bloggers may have thousands of subscribers.
. Where people go search engines follow. If many people link to your blog
posts that also boosts your search engine rankings for the other parts of your site.
If you write a frequently updated blog the media is more likely to reference you, 
than if you are just a merchant selling goods in your industry.
If you are passionate about a topic it shows. People who share that passion do not
subscribe to your blog, they subscribe to that passion. And they also share it with
Each of us is brilliant and highly flawed. We are all human. Communities are built
around commonly shared ideas and shared points of personal identity. We are
more likely to listen to and believe those who tell us things confirming our
worldviews than people who challenge them.
With there already being 1,000’s of SEO blogs, I would not start a new blog
focused on SEO in 2016. The only way I would allow myself to do that is if I was
focused on SEO for a specific vertical like real estate or if I was focusing on a
subset of SEO like link building.
From a publishing standpoint, owning an idea is much more valuable than being a
1/100,000 player in a large market. The top site in any niche gets more media exposure,
more self reinforcing exposure.
 We are more likely to trust and subscribe to sites that:
• Are aesthetically appealing with a unique site design
• Create important content, like top posts and about us pages, easy to find
• Rely on simple words and short sentences, and are thus easy to read and
• Are well structured – with headings, subheadings, pictures, videos, and
bulleted lists to help break up the content
Filter & Offer High Content Quality
Some of the better bloggers write their rough drafts, save them, and finish them a few days
later. This makes your time appear more valuable,and makes your content 
quality better than a person who feels they have to write about everything.
Social Interaction
Many of the top channels got to be top channels by adding original content and
value to their marketplace. Others may have got there by stroking the egos of key
players in their market.
Your content quality does not matter until you get people to consume it. So here
are a few tips to help you get noticed
• Quote and link to popular bloggers, and add value to the conversion
• Leave valuable useful comments on popular related blogs
• Write articles for other popular blogs
• Create community based ideas and ask for feedback or involvement of
community members before launching it
• Actively solicit comments and reply to them
• Network offline at industry trade shows, conferences, and community
• Don’t be afraid of controvercy. If you gain mindshare and authority some
envious parties will hate you for it.
• Add enough value to ideas that people talk about you when referencing
• Encouraging contribution from others and highlighting their contributions
builds a community effect to your site
Post Regularly
People appreciate regularity. Some bloggers ask for guest bloggers while they go on
vacation, while others pre-write draft posts that they publish periodically when
news is slow.
If you are short on ideas to write about then participate in your community and/or
solicit feedback and questions until you find good topics to write about.
Wait to Monetize
It is hard to win mindshare in competitive markets with a new site, especially if you
run too many ads on your site. If you place too many links or other ads above your
content on a brand new blog people are going to be less trusting of your blog.
Blogs are often hard to monetize using contextual ads, but tend to have great
revenue potential if you sell branded ads, create your own products, or use your
blog to create opportunities for indirect revenue.
Push Marketing
You have to do a bit of push marketing to get a new website noticed in competitive
markets. When you launch a new blog you should:
• Get involved in your topical community – online and offline if possible.
• Submit your blog to some of the popular general directories and blog
• Consider buying targeted AdWords or AdSense ads to drive traffic to your
site. Also look at BlogAds if they are popular in your space.
• Guest author for other trusted blogs in your industry.
Golden Rules of Blogging
• Follow your passions
• Don’t sit on a great story if you believe it is a great idea
• When in doubt, it is better to be opinionated than boring
To Drive Mega Web Traffic for =>Applied Cash Flow 

Thereby  Creating Substantial Daily R.O.I.'s.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Leads, Leads and More Leads - Adam Ross Gregory

Many  => Internet Marketers 

Are faced with the gargantuan task of... 

Having to overcome the lack of LEADS 

It is the Internet, after all.  

The anonymity in these virtual halls makes it difficult for any online businessman to win the trust of his prospective customers.

Yes, the online businessman may pay thousands of dollars for a truly engaging and convincing sales page, but as often is the case, these words are not enough to win a sale.

Because these words will still be associated with the online businessman, and people do not expect him to badmouth his own products.  That he will talk favorably about his offers is a given.
But what if a third party would share some favorable words about the online businessman and the product he is offering?

Surely, his statement would bear more weight than the sales pitch of the businessman himself, right?  After all, the third party has no stakes on the success of the campaign.
Such is the importance of testimonials for most sales pages.  They greatly contribute to the conversion rate the sales copy would manage to pull off, essentially because of their seemingly objective nature.
Almost every online businessman – your competitors included – will be on the lookout for people who will be willing to provide for them some generously written testimonials.

To gather these, online marketers even go to the extent of giving away free samples of their products for review purposes.
Now, here’s the trick.
One of the incentives to encourage favorable testimonials is the mention of the testimonial giver’s link on the sales page itself.  There are many benefits to this.
  • If your link can be found in your competitor’s sales page, then chances are, you will be targeting the same market.  Since the people who will be reading your competitor’s sales page are already there, we could assume that they are highly targeted leads.  Once they see your link, there is a great chance that they’d get transported to your own sales page, which would only work wonders for you.
  • If your competitor’s sales page has a higher page rank (PR), having your link in the said copy would provide a boost to your own website’s PR.
  • In any event, it is an additional back link for your website which would only increase your link popularity.
Yes, by giving a favorable testimonial for your competitor’s campaign, you’d be helping him bag more sales.  But then again, internet marketing is not really a dog-eat-dog kind of business.  His success can make the industry very healthy.
 And the fact that your link will be prominently displayed on his sales page could only mean that you could share his success, eventually.
So, the next time someone asks you for a testimonial, take some time to prepare for him a good one.  You’ll gain immediate results for your own business.

And who knows?  Someday, he might even return the favor with a testimonial of his own.
I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 

As my primary source of online marketing.

Leveraging =>Applied Cash Flow 

with Email marketing 

Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,

But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Applied Cash FLow - Contructing An Effective Email Campaign

Constructing an effective -> ( Email Campaign )

may seem to be an art, but there’s a good bit of science involved as well.
Each article in your newsletter should answer the “Six W’s” known to all journalism students…
Who, What, Where, When, Why and how…about their subject.
However, there is one other question you need to answer is “Why should I care?”

That is the big one.
The first six won’t matter if you don’t show your subscribers why the subject is important to them. Don’t assume they will figure it out…make it clear.
You may be offering an anecdote or tip that could show them how to better accomplish their goals; if so, great!
Be sure that you tell them how.

Be clear with your message…”Listen to this…it’ll help you because __________!”
As I’ve said before, promoting your business is perfectly fine in your newsletter, as long as you make sure that’s not all that you do. Give your readers useful content with “nothing in it for you”; this will build trust with your readers, increase your credibility and increase the likelihood that a subscriber will become a customer.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t promote your product or service…far from it! After all, that’s one of the purposes of your newsletter.

Your promotion can be anything from a full-blown ad to a simple “Let us help” style link to your offer on your website. Just remember, television, radio, magazines and newspapers have content for a reason…their audience comes for the content, which gives those mediums an opportunity to present advertising messages.

Make sure that you give subscribers content to come for, or it won’t matter how good your marketing message is, because few (if any) will ever see it.

Also, even though you may not think of a newsletter as interactive, it is (and should be). Give your subscribers the means to request topics and subjects they would like to read about in future newsletters.

 This will prompt “buy-in” from your readers, as long as you follow through on suggestions.

When you answer questions or provide asked-for content, give them credit for the question or idea when possible. This will allow that reader to feel a sense of ownership in your newsletter (and probably result in that issue being forwarded to their friends and coworkers, bringing your message to new eyes), and prompt other readers to do the same thing.
And don’t forget to give subscribers a clear, simple method of unsubscribing. You have to do this to stay compliant with the laws governing email marketing, but it’s also the equivalent of a money-back guarantee…if someone knows they can stop receiving your newsletter any time they choose, it makes it easier for them to make the commitment to become a subscriber.

If your newsletter is useful to them, however, the chance of getting an “unsubscribe” message is small.
A newsletter should include the following:
  • A welcome and/or thanks for subscribing.
  • A useful article.
  • Your advertising message.
  • Contact information for readers to ask questions or suggest topics they would like to learn more about in a future newsletter, which can lead to an increased readership for your message and loyal subscribers.
  • A simple unsubscribe process.
Is this all it takes? Not necessarily; each newsletter should be an original outgrowth of your business website, so each one should be different, but this list of elements is a good starting point when creating your newsletter’s layout.
I personally use  mobile friendly email marketing 
As my primary source of online marketing.
Leveraging =>Applied Cash Flow with Email marketing 
Introduces Day Trading like Profitability,
But...  with the ease of use of Facebook.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Optimizing Your Organic Traffic - Adam Ross Gregory

If You Provide High Quality Content With Helpful Solutions...

You're on your way to building => A Highly Profitable Website.

Google has made some extreme changes to combat the total abuse of their Adsense program.

Not only are they monitoring your sites with their Search Directory search engine spiders, but they are monitoring your sites with their Adsense spider bots.

Scrapper sites are not rewarded with Adsense anymore.

The best way to build your Adsense Real Estate is by following the rules.

It requires time and patience,

but... over time, the income generated from quality content sites can be substantial.

The first step is to take into consideration what your visitors are looking for.

Mainly, people want answers.

They want solutions to their current situation.

They search online to find those answers and solutions.

Let's take a look at just three ways to profit from your websites and or blogs.

# 1. Place Adsense ads on your site. Match the colors of each block to the color scheme of your site, including the background, link and text colors. Get rid of the boarders as well as the "Advertise on this site" link.

The most favorable ad blocks are the medium and large rectangles. However, blending in other Adsense blocks works well if they blend in with your website or blog design.

# 2. Create your own products or service to sell. This is a time consuming task, but having a product to sell to your visitors is a great way to profit from your websites and blogs.

When you create your own product or service, you sell to your visitors and allow other people to sell your products for you with an affiliate program.

Clickbank is one of the easiest ways to set up an affiliate program.

 Clickbank will list your product for free inside their product directory. Many people visit the product directory looking for products to sell. It’s a win-win situation.

# 3. Promote other peoples products. Promoting other peoples products will increase your profits greatly. You can start promoting other peoples products without the worry of creating your own, dealing with customer service, or any problems associated with being the business owner of the product.

Adsense is just another affiliate program.

Promoting Adsense and other affiliate programs from your website will bring you

a lot of profits over time.

With that being said, there are many questions that remain.

You must drive traffic to your websites to acquire any profits.

Without traffic, your site will never profit.

So, how exactly do you drive traffic to your websites and blogs?

Here are some very simple answers.

1. Write articles and submit them to article directories.
2. Learn how to create search engine optimized web pages and blog posts.
3. Pay per click advertising – not recommended for new marketers.

Okay, so that's putting it all in a nutshell.

What's the next step? The next step involves action.

 => Take Action !!! 

Create a plan for your Internet profits and stick to it.

Follow the steps of successful marketers and get busy working the plan.

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Producing Massive Daily Cash Flow,

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